"Reliable communication permits progress" (Proverbs 13:17/Living Bible)
Bible & Prayer Topics
Tara came to know Christ at as a pre-teen, but it wasn't until she dived into reading the Bible daily that she discovered life change. This did not happen until college and after much heart-ache from poor life choices that would not have happened if she had known the truth. Once Tara committed to the daily habit of Bible study and prayer, she discovered that making good life choices became a delight and to her surprise, others viewed her as wise. After thirty years of studying the Word of God, Tara is known to be a student of the Word of God and someone who prays through the Word of God. She has been teaching Scripture for over twenty-five years and has prayed through the Bible for her husband, her children, her self, and for the university that she served as the Dean of Women from Genesis to Revelation. Her life experiences have caused her to find comfort and strength through the Word of God. She loves to help others develop a daily habit of studying and praying through the Word of God because these two daily habits are what transformed her life.
Story-Centric Bible Teaching Methods
While serving on a short mission trip Tara discovered the power of story while doing street evangelism. When the evangelism method did not connect with a man named Daniel, Tara asked Daniel if he knew there was a man named Daniel in the Bible. When Daniel agreed to hear about the Daniel of the Bible, Tara shared a short summary about the story of Daniel. Using the narrative to connect to his heart led to Daniel coming to know Jesus as his Savior. This began a journey of finding ways to connect people to a narrative in the Bible which led to Tara writing her dissertation on how to make disciples of the homeless through Bible-story methods. Tara has taught students on these methods in Israel on site to gain insight.
Discipleship & Leadership Training
Tara loves to disciple one-on-one and to train leaders in groups. She understands what needs to happen to bring someone from a pre-believer to grasp their identity in Christ, their identity in community, their identity of purpose, and their kingdom identity. Tara longs to teach, equip, and send the next generation of communicators of the gospel message of Jesus.
My Approach
Some people collect things, I am a people collector! Once I get ahold of someone they are in my heart for good. A dear friend describes me as relentless. Maybe so! Have you ever noticed that collectors can be obsessive at times? I am no exception! I love people, all types, all kinds. When I do not love as I should I pray for more love. My greatest motivator is ministry driven. If I have no ministry motive then I am not of much use, but if you show me how to reach, teach, share, give, sacrifice, and love another I am there. My greatest joy is serving GOD with my hubby and kids. My greatest fear is failing GOD in my witness with others. My favorite pass time is studying the word of GOD! I tend to be serious bent so when I get a good laugh I feel doubly blessed! My greatest achievement is receiving Christ as my Savior and that really is not my achievement, it really is HIS. I could not do it without HIM! When I die I pray that people say of me, "She loved the LORD with her whole heart, mind, and soul and I knew she loved me too!" I guess you could say I am a happy, sappy, people collector for GOD